Who said you can't eat Sfiha outside Syria? Here it is made in a Danish household ;)
Right from the oven!

All I can say is that it was really good!
Last year, when we visited some relatives in Sham, they served us Sfiha made with chicken instead of meat. It tasted just great. Hope I get to eat that more!
Sa7tain oo hana Salma:)
u know what I didn't know there is chicken sfi7a, I guess that solved my anti meat problem! thanx
hey there Sal...
as what Ghal said, i never ever heard of Chicken Sfi7a, i was shocked when i read that...
and i was shocked 2 when i saw the pics...
it's not a sfi7a :|
it's a XXXXXXXXXXX sfi7a...
lek lesh hek kteeeeeer kbere???
ya 7aram 3aleke...
when i eat sfi7a, i eat about 14 ones...but i don't think that i can't finish one of those...
Sa7a ou Hana...
u just came to Syria, and i'll let my mom make u the most greatest sfi7a in the world...
3ala albkun
Regarding the size... yeah they are big, but that was just because we were hungry and it had to be done fast! haha normally we make them small don't worry!
About the chicken part. I am not sure if you can buy chicken sfiha. The ones we ate had been made at home. They had bought the chicken-mix some place. Not sure if it was the butcher or what.
Good luck!
والله مع إني عم حاول نزل وزني بس بعد ما قرأت وشفت ما قدرت إلا روح على المطعم إلي بجنبنا وآكلي كم صفيحة
Oooh, that looks tasty! Your blog's amazing - it really takes me back to Syria!
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