Swimming pools in Damascus
If you have any information on swimming pools for ladies only in the Damascus area, please leave a comment. It should be a place where women are allowed to cover their awrah!
A blog on Charming Damascus from a Dane of Syrian descent
If you have any information on swimming pools for ladies only in the Damascus area, please leave a comment. It should be a place where women are allowed to cover their awrah!
One of the Minarets is spotted through the old Roman Ruins.
Look at the huge crowd. All moving to Mosque to pray.
This is one of many places to make ablution (wudu). This is obligatory before praying.
Here is the shrine of John the Baptist. Unfortunately some people think he has some kind of saint function and therefore ask him for some favours, instead of turning directly towards Allah.
Next to the mosque is the tomb of Hero Salahuddin al Ayoubi (born 1138), who was a Kurdish Muslim general and founded the Ayyoubid dynasty.
The ceiling. Look at how well decorated it is. It is made of mosaics and geometric patterns.
This is in another room. Wonderful colours.
The interior is decorated in fine mosaics and was inspired by the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.
It is told that that these walls depict Paradise...
I must state that this Mosque looks very different at magreb time, when the sun is setting. It is very beautiful.
Huge area!
Just lovely at night!
It is dark now, You can spot the moon.
Allah yehmeekee ya Sham
taken from: http://www.harald-zappe.de/me/exotic/exotic.html
The fruit has has approximately 85% water, 10-15% carbohydrates, with a big amount of Vitamin C, 6-8% glucose and fructose levels, very high in fiber, minerals and low in calories. SubhanAllah!
When you want to go shopping in Damascus, there are various of places to go. I ENJOY walking alone through al Hamra, Telyani, Salhiye and al Hamidiyeh. When you are alone you have the time to just look at the buildings, "analyze" people (hehe) and just inhale the whole atmosphere. I also LOVE to go there with my father or mother. They always provide me with historical information which you just can't get enough of!
Finally! The Blue Tower is finished! We saw them put on the last letters on the top of the building. And there are palm trees now. I still dont know what the building is for? Hotel, business?
Picture taken at Sahet Arnous.
We were on our way to Faris:) You can see moun Qasioun in the back ground. I love that mountain so much... it's indescribable.
Al Hamidiyeh
This is in the beginning of souq Al Hamidyeh.
This is Sheikh al Bzooriyeh, where you cab buy all sorts of spices.
You name it they have it.
Notice the holes in the "ceiling". It is from the time when the French shot at Damascus
Look around in the city and you will probably get a glimpse of the monstrous building which happens to be the Four Season Hotel. It might be pretty but it looks so weird with all the other building, but I guess there had to be built something for the rich Saudi and Khaleeji tourists. They have to spend their money on something, right? Who cares if it is reasonable or not?
One of these boys stopped us and asked for his picture to be taken, when he saw us taking pictures. We said OK, but then he became shy, so we said "ohhh come on!" His friend then came along, and we were allowed to take the photo. Right after, they RAN to the Umayyade mosque to pray salat al Duhr. Sweet or what!?
This is taken in front of the Umayyade Mosque. Look at all the old Roman ruins.
This is the grave yard in Bab al Zagheer
Some Turkish Imams are obviously buried here.
Here lies Sayidinah Bilal. The first one to call to prayer in Islam.
May Allah be pleased with him.
This is Abdallah ibn Jafar´s tomb.
Sayidina Jafar was the muslim warrior who kept on holding to the flag in a war. When his hand that was holding the flag was cut off he switched the flag to the other hand. Then this hand with the flag was chipped off. To show that the muslim were victorious he put the bar of the flag in his mouth. The enemy then slaughtered Jafar and he died, but the Muslims had won the war.
Abdallah was his son.
This is just to show how stupid some muslim can be... Writing their names on our legacy. Pathetic and sad.
Masjid Bloudan al Kbeer
This is probably the most beautiful mosque I have ever visited! It is huge and have several entries and several prayer rooms. If you ever go to Bloudan you gotta stop there and pray!
The huge Gate to the Mosque in Bloudan
Jame3 Bloudan al Kbeer ( The big Mosque in Bloudan)
The inside.
This is the view from the Masjid The Minaret
Paradise on earth!
All I can say is that it was really good!
Last year, when we visited some relatives in Sham, they served us Sfiha made with chicken instead of meat. It tasted just great. Hope I get to eat that more!