Garbage in Damascus
Garbage man in Old Damascus

My heart always goes out to the garbage men in Sham. I feel so sorry for them. They have to clean the streets which are never clean because of the careless Damascene community, who obviously don't care about the environment or the future of the country and their children and grand children. Now I don't want to sound like some hippie BUT this is probably the sadest thing: How indifferent people are about treating the nature. A huge part of the problem is probably the missing dispenser around the city. You might find one for every 2 km! That might be the reason why people dont feel like holding their garbage when they dont know when they will pass a dispenser. (By the way, I was told that the reason for not having that many dispensers around in the city, was that some ignorant people had cut the bottom so that the garbage in the dispensers fell down on the ground.)
It's a shame. It wouldn't hurt if Damascus looked cleaner. If you know anyone in the Ministry of Environment in Damascus pass the idea to them.
I hope that one day we can walk through a clean Damascus.
You might be interested to see this post and download this film clip. The instructions for downloading the file are in the next paragraph. You will find that hygiene standards have not changed much in Damascus since the film was made 1936. They seem worse in some cases. Sad!
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Apathy is written on our genes :( , wallahi if turning syrian ppl to hippies will make our country cleaner, i would love to become a hippie , without soking pot part of course :P
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